Saturday, November 14, 2009

On to our next adventure!

Well, mommy starts her new job on Monday so this was our last weekend (not officially) in Bismarck. I was trying to help mommy do laundry & pack stuff up but I was more interested in the laundry basket. But I did take time out to pose for the camera! Am I cute, or what?! :)

BATH TIME!!! I love taking my baths and I figured out that I can roll over in the tub too so that's my new thing! I also figured out that when I'm on my back & I kick my legs really hard, I can splash mommy- now that's funny! I had water everywhere tonight!

Just more pictures of me playing on the floor!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First Halloween and some misc. pics!

Me and daddy just hanging out together! Well, daddy was hanging out- I was snoozin'!
Another of me and daddy!

Well, this was my first Halloween and I have to say, probably not the best! I wasn't feeling good all day so I was only in my costume long enough for mommy & daddy to get a couple of pictures. Hopefully next year will be more fun! I was still the cutest tiger ever though!

I did manage to smile a little for the camera! Sorry about not getting any of my whole costume...

GRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Am I a scary tiger?! :)

Auntie Jena stopped by for a little and mommy got a picture of us. Auntie Chandra stopped by too but mommy forgot to take a picture of me with her... Sorry Auntie! Thank you for the Halloween gifts though! I can't wait to watch my DVDs!