Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy birthday Eli!!

I just want to take a moment to say happy first birthday to my baby boy!! You are absolutely the best kid ever and your daddy & I couldn't have asked for anything more! You light up our lives. The smile on your face every morning & the way you say "hi" first thing when you get up makes my day! That smile, that giggle, even your cry- just makes me so happy to say you are my son! I can't wait to teach you things as you get bigger- & I know your daddy is sooo excited to be able to teach you all of the boy things that he was taught! Well Eli, happy birthday!! Your daddy & I love you very much & are VERY proud to be your parents! Love you!! Mommy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Birthday Party

Well, my first birthday party was a success! I wasn't a happy camper in the beginning but I came around. I am getting in 2 more teeth so I was kind of crabby all weekend. But I managed to suck it up & got to have my first taste of cake & got LOTS of presents!! I got a lot of toys to play with outside so camping should be fun this summer!

Here I am just chilling in daddy's lap waiting for my next gift!

I got a Harley Davidson sweatshirt & shorts from great grandpa & grandma Diehl! I can't wait to wear them!

Here is a picture of my cake!

Mommy & daddy had to try quite a few times to get me to try & eat my cake... I wasn't really that interested in it at first.

"Yuck! What is this stuff on my finger?!"

"Well, ok- I will try it"

I decided that I really liked it in the end & it wasn't so bad afterall! Time to dive in!
Me & my godfather, Chris Schaan!
I had a fun birthday party & thank you everyone for all of the gifts!!!

Here is a video of my that mommy tried taking. I wasn't doing anything too exciting though!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just hanging out

Daddy let me try on his ear muffs that he uses for shooting. I thought it was fun wearing them but I wasn't sure what exactly to do. Daddy was yelling "hi" at me & I just whispered back at him!
I think they're a little big yet...
Me being silly for the camera like usual!

Mommy says: This is a video from last week of Eli- I just kept forgetting to post it! It was his bed time & he was getting very tired but was bound & determined to try & walk one last time before bed.... But he kinda looks like he had a few drinks before hand! Hope it makes you smile like it does me!
Have a good week everyone!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First haircut!

Well, mommy gave me my first haircut yesterday! She just couldn't wait any longer. (Personally, I don't think she could stand the fact that I was starting to get a mullet & that daddy thought it was cool that I had a mini mullet) I sat very good for her- but it helped that I had people to entertain me!
Uncle Ryan insisted on this one: a comb-over....

Being entertained with snacks!

This was the before picture- not the best but it shows how long my hair was!
And after!! Tah dah!!! A mohawk!!!
Don't I look cute?!? :) Have a great week everyone!

Friday, April 2, 2010

First steps! :)

Hello! Happy Easter to everyone first of all! Well, I am officially out of my infant car seat so mommy let me play with the base before she put it away for good.
Just being silly trying to crawl over mommy while she's laying on the floor.

CHEESE!!!!! Sorry this one is a little blurry.

And last but not least- a video of my first steps. Yep, you heard me- my first steps!! I can only take 2 or 3 steps at a time right now but I am learning fast! I am so excited to be able to do something new! :) Enjoy!