Friday, June 26, 2009

Mommy & me!

These are a couple of pictures of me and mommy hanging out during her last week at home before work. She misses me lots while she's at work but I do really good at daycare. My daycare provider is very impressed at how good I am. She say's I never cry!

Yesterday me and mommy went to Hazen with Ava, Missy & Malachi to visit mommy & Missy's friend Lacy. Lacy just had a baby on May 31. His name is Bennett! We're pretty much the same size! Doesn't Ava look pretty in her dress?! I am so happy to have all of these friends already!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Last week before work!

Well, I tell you- this is not what I had in mind for my last week before going back to work!! Our basement flooded last night after all that stinkin' rain we got! What a joke! We had to tear the carpet out of our room, the bathroom will probably have to be redone because there was an inch or 2 of water in there... The living room carpet MIGHT be salvageable.... it's in the process of drying. And Eli's room- which Dane just finished a few months ago- almost got wrecked. But Dane got the carpet pad out in time so the carpet should be ok once it dries!!

This is our bathroom- though it's kinda hard to tell how much water is really in there! It was alot!

This is our room. Soaked to the bone....

This is the living room.... Also soaked. Let's hope FEMA pulls thru and gives us a little something to fix it up!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6 weeks old today!

Well, I am officially 6 weeks old today! How exciting! Mommy is getting more & more smiles out of me every day! She is very happy about that! As you can tell, she also figured out how to change the color on her camera! Missy is always taking such nice ones of Ava & Malachi with the color change so mommy had to try it too!

I'm trying to wink at the camera!

Well, me & mommy decided that daddy is NOT a very good picture taker! He took 4 or 5 of me & mommy the other night & only took one good one.... I think he better practice more!

If you look closely at this one, my legs & arms were going like crazy! Not sure where I was trying to go.

Me & daddy chilling on the couch!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Me & My Friends!

Me & mommy went to the zoo the other day with Ava, Malachi & Missy. These are the new tigers that they have there! Mommy was very excited to see them. I on the other hand slept through all of it. Maybe next year I will enjoy going and seeing everything!

This is me & Ava. She was born 3 days after me but I think she has some catching up to do in size!

And this is my other friend Auselyn. She is about 2 1/2 months older than me. She belongs to mommy & daddy's friends Tony & Diane! She had her shots the day before this was taken so she wasn't a happy camper!

And this is all 3 of us! Not a whole lot of difference in size between the 3 of us!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Just a quick update: We were in to the Well Baby Clinic yesterday and I am up to 10 lbs, 13 oz., and 22 1/2 inches long! Growing like a weed!

Mommy FINALLY got some pictures of me smiling! She was sooo excited! I'm not sure what all the hipe was about..... it's just a smile for crying out loud!

Here is another partial smile. I was enjoying being in my swing.

This is the picture mommy was REALLY excited about. She had taken one before this and I was scowling so she made a few goofy sounds and snapped the picture and this is what she got! Pure luck! Cute, huh?! :)

Here are a couple of me from this morning after my bath! I was in a really good mood!

Must've been extremely excited about something here.... just not sure what!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend despite the crappy forecast!

Monday, June 1, 2009

More pics of me!

Well, I am officially 1 month old now! I am up to 10 lbs, 11 oz. and starting to smile a lot more now! I am happiest in the morning! Mom is trying to get pictures of me smiling but I don't really like to cooperate with that!

This one is a partial smile!

Who wants to see a picture of me sleeping?! Mommy must've thought it was cute!

This one is from last night. Mommy was trying to get me to smile before bed but I wasn't really interested in that! I was too busy watching the Red Wings game with daddy! He was very excited that they won!

Well, thanks for looking! I hope you all are enjoying seeing how much I change! Hope everyone has a good week!