Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My cousin is here!!

My cousin Tyce Soren Stromme was born today (August 31) at 10:01 a.m. He was 7 lbs 11 oz (Only 1 oz less than I was!) and 19 3/4" long (exactly the same as me!)

Here's my auntie Chandra & Jordan with their new baby!

I even got to hold him! I think Jordan was little nervous at first... But I was very nice to Tyce!

Here's Tyce through the nursery window! Isn't he cute?!

Mommy and baby Tyce

Mommy thought we needed a picture together too! So I humored her!

And then I let grandma take one of us!

Here is Tyce laying in the bassinet.

I was chilling on auntie's bed with her.

And here is me & Tyce again. I got to hold him one last time before we left the hospital tonight! I told mommy on the ride home "I just love him" :) He's pretty special to us! I love you Tyce and can't wait til you're old enough to play trucks with me!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zoo fun!

Mommy & I went to Bismarck on Saturday last weekend. She went out with friends and I got to stay with Nana & auntie Maddy and have a sleep over. We went over to Mandan Saturday & got to eat hot dogs and jump on the big blow up castles. It was so much fun! Then on Sunday me, mommy, Nana & Maddy went to the zoo. I had a lot of fun & even got to ride the train!

Here's a picture of me hanging out by the bear cages.

This bear was swimming. See, you can barely see his head sticking out of the water!

I told mommy to take this picture!

And here's standing by the tiger cage. They didn't come very close but I still enjoyed looking at them!