Monday, February 23, 2009

Finished Nursery

The baby's room is done except for the closet and the outlets!! I'm sooo excited! Now all we need is the baby to complete everything!

It's kind of a mess right now since the closet isn't finished. The room is serving as sort of a closet too right now but it won't be like that for long!

Have a good week everyone!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Baby's room is painted!

The baby's room finally got painted this weekend thanks to my mom and aunt Sarah's help!! The cheesy pictures of me and my mom are courtesy of Sarah! Not the best pictures in the world but they'll do!! Next on the agenda is carpet and then I can finally set everything up!

And.... not like you can't already see my protruding belly in the last picture, here is a picture of week 28. My appointment went good this week. They test for gestational diabetes at week 28 and I didn't get a call saying I have diabetes so I think I'm in the clear!!! Yeah!! Have a good week everyone!