Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12 Visit- Plus a week 16 pic

Here is a picture at 16 weeks- which was last week. It's kind of far away but it will have to do! Jewels figured she needed to be part of the picture too!

November 12th doctor visit update: We went in and tried to hear the heartbeat- but she couldn't pick it up-- kinda scary! She said all she could hear was mine. So she had them do an ultrasound so they could see that there was a heartbeat- and there was- thank goodness! The heart rate was 134 BPM- considerably lower than last time so Dane is convinced that it's a boy for sure! :) We got lucky enough to get a couple of pictures to take home with us! This first one is a whole body shot which is kind of neat!!

This second one is kind of hard to see but you can see the face and then his or her little arms up by the face!!

That's the update for this week. We go in December 10th and get to have the official ultrasound!

1 comment:

Adi and Brody said...

Looks like a girl to me dane! Just kidding, congrats guys, glad everything went perfect