Saturday, January 24, 2009

Progress on baby's room/Week 26 pic

Here is the progress so far in the baby's room. Dane got some much needed help this weekend from Chris. He helped Dane put the closet door in, put in a door going into the laundry room, and help him tape so that the room is ready for texture! Then it's on to painting and laying carpet!! Thanks again Chris for helping!!

And just another random picture of the progress of my growing belly!! This is from week 26. Just over 3 months to go! I can't believe how fast the time went! He will be here before we know it!


Adi and Brody said...

makin progress, it looks good, you look so cute pregnant as well!

Anonymous said...

Love the belly! Can't wait to meet the little one, looks like you'll have the baby room done soon and the decorating can start!