Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We carved pumpkins on Sunday night. And I must say- it's not all it's cracked up to be! I was only interested in the tools that came with the carving kit! Mommy's not the best at carving either so I think we will just leave it up to daddy for the years to come- at least until I can use one of those knives!

The seeds were kind of interesting though... And that's the pumpkin mommy carved if you're wondering... It's supposed to be an owl- she didn't really get a good picture though (I don't think she's too proud of how it turned out!)

And here's daddy's creation! Not too bad, huh?

Mmmm... a little pudding for a bedtime snack anyone?

I have some big shoes to fill, don't ya think?? :)

1 comment:

Melissa Davis said...

Eli...you are too funny!! Maybe we can go trick or treating together one year. I had so much fun, but it would have been even better with a friend.