Thursday, June 4, 2009


Just a quick update: We were in to the Well Baby Clinic yesterday and I am up to 10 lbs, 13 oz., and 22 1/2 inches long! Growing like a weed!

Mommy FINALLY got some pictures of me smiling! She was sooo excited! I'm not sure what all the hipe was about..... it's just a smile for crying out loud!

Here is another partial smile. I was enjoying being in my swing.

This is the picture mommy was REALLY excited about. She had taken one before this and I was scowling so she made a few goofy sounds and snapped the picture and this is what she got! Pure luck! Cute, huh?! :)

Here are a couple of me from this morning after my bath! I was in a really good mood!

Must've been extremely excited about something here.... just not sure what!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend despite the crappy forecast!


Auntie Chandra :) said...

*sigh*. I would hate to be every other auntie in the world, because THIS auntie happens to have the cutest nephew of them all. :)

Eli Cole said...

I agree, I am pretty darn cute! Gonna be a heart breaker.... ;)